Empower your team with collaborative customer support software


Finally, a help desk with collaboration built in

We believe your teams should work smarter, not harder. Customer service requires strong teamwork from multiple departments to make sure your customers are effectively cared for. While this has notoriously been a pain point for B2B, we've put an end to it with our collaborative customer support software.

It often takes a team to resolve your customers’ questions and concerns. In addition to the person receiving the call or reading the email, there are employees across multiple teams who need to provide input or actually set the wheels in motion to take care of a customer.

However, keeping track of each individual ticket throughout your entire organization is easier said than done. There’s always the possibility that some crucial detail will be lost in translation as co-workers communicate. Problems may be encountered multiple times without anyone knowing how they were solved in the past by others. Requests or questions may fall through the cracks because everyone assumes someone else is handling it.

Collaborative customer support software from TeamSupport takes care of all these issues and more. This platform for collaborative customer support collects all the details for each ticket in a single spot. This ensures team members have full access to the knowledge of their teammates at all times. By empowering them with fully collaborative customer support, our solution enables your employees to provide comprehensive and efficient service.

See how it works!

We believe your teams should work smarter, not harder. Customer service requires strong teamwork from multiple departments to make sure your customers are effectively cared for. While this has notoriously been a pain point for B2B, we've put an end to it with our collaborative customer support software.

It often takes a team to resolve your customers’ questions and concerns. In addition to the person receiving the call or reading the email, there are employees across multiple teams who need to provide input or actually set the wheels in motion to take care of a customer.

However, keeping track of each individual ticket throughout your entire organization is easier said than done. There’s always the possibility that some crucial detail will be lost in translation as co-workers communicate. Problems may be encountered multiple times without anyone knowing how they were solved in the past by others. Requests or questions may fall through the cracks because everyone assumes someone else is handling it.

Collaborative customer support software from TeamSupport takes care of all these issues and more. This platform for collaborative customer support collects all the details for each ticket in a single spot. This ensures team members have full access to the knowledge of their teammates at all times. By empowering them with fully collaborative customer support, our solution enables your employees to provide comprehensive and efficient service.

Use user groups to route inquiries

Users groups allow you to automatically assign ticket types, conversations, keywords, and more to a group of users to prevent passing the customer from agent to agent. When a ticket is created that flags a user group, every individual of that team is notified, prompting accurate and instantaneous ownership of that issue.

Assign specific tasks to users or groups

Many times, tickets involve numerous tasks before it is completely resolved. The task management tools in our collaborative customer support software allow businesses to easily direct certain tasks to teams or individual users to guarantee effective collaboration and project management is instilled in the customer service experience.

client collaboration tools

Use the Wiki for an additional knowledge base

client collaboration tools

The wiki is a place to store documents for use by the entire team. Collaborative editing means that these documents never get stale and anyone can update them as needed. No more emailing back and forth, and no more outdated documents. 


Quick resolutions still take place at the Water Cooler


Many of us remember the good ol' days where coworkers chatted at the office water cooler. Oftentimes, these conversations offered swift resolutions to each other's most difficult customer inquiries and challenges. Here at TeamSupport, we've built the water cooler directly into your collaborative customer support platform so team members can easily connect with each other to quickly solve customer issues.

Water Cooler is a tool that makes instant collaborations amongst colleagues simple and accessible - regardless of locations, department, or role. Team members can ask questions, comment on issues, and send messages to specific users or groups using the in-app online chat; fueling a truly efficient teamwork environment that produces happier customers.

TeamSupport has allowed our geographically dispersed team to track, share and collaborate on support tickets for our clients. This has led to us improving our customer service.

Grahame Wan
Technical Services Manager, Redman Solutions

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