Customers remain loyal to brands that interact with them on their preferred channels. With TeamSupport, you can rest assured that no matter which channel your customers want to be contacted on, you’ll be there. Our omnichannel support enables you to communicate with your customers on a variety of channels including email, voice, live chat, and more - leading to higher customer satisfaction.
By offering a live chat experience, you gain the opportunity to engage with your customers in a more personal way. Nowadays, customers want answers to their questions fast and the most satisfactory method to achieve this is through live chat. Because of this, our Messaging & Live Chat users report average CSAT score increases of 70% to 95%.
Studies show that the top pain points for customers are difficulty getting the right agent and how often they have to repeat themselves. TeamSupport is built on a customer database that gives a full 360-degree view of each customer and your relationship with them. This means you can truly know who they are and minimize their frustrations.
While CSAT and NPS are great indicators of customer sentiment at a point in time, customer teams need a better way to measure the health of a relationship as a whole. In addition to having CSAT and NPS surveys built into TeamSupport’s product, we also offer a proprietary organizational health rating. The Customer Distress Index (CDI) takes a number of factors into consideration to show you how much difficulty your customer is facing. This helps you keep customers happy by proactively engaging with them instead of waiting for a poor NPS or CSAT score.
TeamSupport has drastically reduced our support team's operating costs and increased our customer satisfaction by enabling easy case tracking and updates.
Now we just have happy and relaxed customers.
Chat puts you right in front of the visitor immediately. It opens a portal to create that instant dialogue between the visitor and the sales rep. It works out to our advantage.
5005 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy
Suite 850
Dallas, TX 75244