
A Zoho Desk alternative for B2B customer support

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How does TeamSupport compare to Zoho Desk?

  • Relationship - Users prefer the way we manage our customer relationships over Zoho Desk because we're easier to reach and connect with and the quality of our support efforts are better. 

  • Easy-to-use - When comparing how easy the product is to use and administer, users agree that TeamSupport is simpler and even easier to train new customer service agents on. 

  • Ticketing Experience - Our ticketing experience, including ticket creation and innate collaboration opportunities, surpasses Zoho Desk because we were designed by people who do what you do - support customers. 

  • Features - Users favor our product features, such as the customer database, screen sharing, product tracking, etc., because of their ability to increase customer support team efficiency. 

  • Direction of Product - Because TeamSupport values feedback and turns it into action, users prefer the direction our products are heading.


TeamSupport has been an important tool in allowing us to reduce our ticket backlog by 30% in 1 quarter.

Craig Morrison

TeamSupport has acquired a fabulous team that actually cares and listens to its clients.

Heather Mueller
Jackrabbit Technologies, Inc.

With past experience in other support applications, TeamSupport is by far the best helpdesk application on the market.

Devin Wolfenberger
INdigital Telecom

See why TeamSupport is a better-rated alternative to Zoho Desk.

Sign up for a personalized demo and experience TeamSupport: help desk software built for B2B customer service.

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