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ServiceXRG and TeamSupport - Customer Support Transformation

The Guide to Essential Practices and Metrics

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ServiceXRG and TeamSupport have joined forces to create a comprehensive study of the Support industry. Customer Support Transformation: The Guide to Essential Practices and Metrics report examines current trends in Support delivery and offers tangible guidance for Support and Service professionals to meet growing expectations of both customers and company executives.

This study examines the state of support, customer support best practices, and key metrics of each of these support imperatives:

  • Customer demand for Support services
  • Practices companies use to manage and respond to customer Support requests
  • Case management and resolution of Support issues
  • How future success of Support relies on ability to scale to meet growing demand
  • Tools for expanding holistic customer health assessment methods

Data presented within this report is based on a three-pronged study of technology service practices, performance, and trends related to the delivery of Customer Support.

Download the full report.

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