Part 4: Enabling Collaboration of Customer Support Teams in Remote Environments
This series that began with Part 1 on why it’s more important than ever to revisit how to keep customer support teams engaged with each other, continued with Part 2 where we dove into tips for enabling collaboration and engagement among support team members and between agent and customer, and introduced solution tools that enable the most efficient customer support in a remote environment in Part 3, now concludes with Part 4 where we review more solution tools to empower customer support teams.
Write with a Smile.
Technological advancements have created new ways to optimize customer service and increase sales. One of the most exciting developments has been the live chat feature that has become a staple for most websites. With this feature, customers can ask seek support without the frustration of long wait times.
Regardless of how far technology comes, it’s still up to the humans at the other end of the chat session to perform well.
One of the best customer service tricks handed down through the ages, particularly when it comes to answering phones, is to put on a smile before you start the conversation. The same applies to a chat interaction. When you do, the tone of the text will match your “smile.” You can divert frustration or anxiety in a text exchange through chat the same as you can over the phone.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.
While live chat has emerged as a fast channel for solving simple problems, more companies are turning to video technology to assist in solving complex issues. For example, a software company will now schedule 15 minutes for a video call with a customer to show a resolution to their issue instead of trying to walk them through the process for an hour over the phone. Who doesn’t want that additional 45 back? It’s not only a win-win for both parties, it’s easier to develop a personal relationship with your customer when you are interacting in what seems like it’s in person!
An advanced customer support software solution like TeamSupport offers two easy ways to embed images or screenshots into your tickets. You can paste them directly from your clipboard, or you can access a warehouse of previously uploaded images and add them directly to the action. Embedding screenshot, other images, and videos can really help agents understand a customer’s issue, and when an agent does the same, it’s easier to explain the solution to the customer.
Automation and Bots Might Be Your New Favorite Coworkers.
Around 80% of clients believe that chatbots offer much help when it comes to making better buying decisions as compared to humans. Today, customers interact with companies across devices, hence personalized touch points are required to assist customers in their decision journey.
AI-powered assistants respond to customer queries and issues instantly, gather in-depth information about the service or product, and advise buyers to make better decisions. This way the company’s support team has enough time to focus on major tasks.
In the case of B2B customer support, the use of automation boosts the resolution process as it identifies and delivers solutions in real-time with the use of knowledge base articles, or iEnablingn situations where human interaction is required, it can connect the customers to a human agent. Additionally, these AI-powered tools can learn from common issues and offer accurate solutions for a specific issue.