Part 3: Enabling Collaboration of Customer Support Teams in Remote Environments
In Part 1 of this blog series, we introduced why it’s more important than ever to revisit how to keep customer support teams engaged with each other and what tools will help enable collaboration and keep agents motivated and excited about providing excellent support to their customers. In Part 2, we dove into tips for fostering collaboration and engagement among support team members and between agent and customer.
We conclude this series with Parts 3 and 4 by exploring specific software solution tools that enable the most efficient customer support in a remote environment.
It starts with the cloud.
You want to stop focusing only on getting tickets closed and instead work on building strong relationships with your customers. You’ve determined that e-mails and spreadsheets are no way to manage support interactions. And you want to break down the silos between support, sales, and product development and improve collaborations between these departments.
Particularly in these current times when work from home is common, and in many locations, still mandatory, it’s important to maintain the access to your B2B customers’ activities, usage, status of tickets, and sentiment.
With a cloud-based solution, any approved user has access to your B2B customer software system from anywhere on any device with a secure login. When you have full visibility into your customers' dealings with your company, you start to get a better picture of their needs, pain points, features they'd love to have, and overall your relationship with them. If you are a B2B customer service provider, then it goes a step further and means you see all of that at an individual contact level, as well as at the company level, so you can unite the data and understand the entire customer relationship.
You can also get a true sense of how each customer is using your system. This is particularly important for new customers as you want them to experience all of the benefits your software offers as soon as possible.
Believe it or not, many B2B customer support organizations are still managing tickets through e-mail! This is not only cumbersome and inefficient, but certainly doesn’t contribute to building meaningful customer relationships! (Learn how one TeamSupport customer improved in all areas of its support operation when it switched from e-mail as a ticketing system to our cloud B2B customer support software solution.)
Knowledge is power.
"More companies are realizing that delivering great care is not just the right thing to do; it also makes great business sense. Seven in 10 U.S. consumers say they’ve spent more money to do business with a company that delivers great service,” said Raymond Joabar, Executive Vice President of American Express’ servicing organization. "Service is an increasingly important competitive advantage for companies, both large and small, that make doing business easy and put their customers’ needs first.”1
A recent study by the company shows U.S. consumers are happier than ever with the service companies provide.
Why the uptick?
Digital servicing options are helping. In fact, this same study reveals that 62 percent of respondents said that a representative’s knowledge or resourcefulness is key to excellent service.2 Take that a step further and share that knowledge with your customers by offering articles on the topic for which they are requesting support, and they become empowered to solve issues on their own next time.
One TeamSupport customer was so inspired by our robust Knowledge Base that they are using it as a model for keeping their own fresh and relevant. Read more.
We conclude this series with Part 4 with a few more software solution tools that enable the most efficient customer support in a remote environment.