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Webinar Series

Customer Support Technology for Customer Success


TeamSupport, in partnership with the Association of Support Professionals (ASP) is proud to present a webinar series entirely about innovative Technology in Customer Support.

TeamSupport's CEO, Robert Johnson, is pairing up with some of the most innovative and forward-thinking minds in the customer support industry to present engaging webinars that delve into the ground-breaking customer support topics you want to know more about and will uncover great insights to help you improve your support operations.

Most Recent Events

Enable Customer Success & Support to Work Together

Guests: Krishna Raj Raja, Founder and CEO, SupportLogic
Omid Razavi, Ph.D. VP Customer Success and Services, SupportLogic

Remote Support: Now and After the COVID-19 Crisis

Guests: Francoise Tourniaire, Founder FT Works
Nichole Herran, CSM TeamSupport
David Kay, Industry Advisor


Recorded Events

Customer Success & Support - A Digital Transformation

Guest: Jennifer MacIntosh, Customer Experience Industry Advisor & ASP Board Member

Support is the Key to Customer Success

Guest: Mohammed Ajouz, Global Head of Product Support at SAP

Customer Success and Customer Support: A Natural Partnership

Guest: Mikael Blaisdell, Executive Director of The Customer Success Association

AI - A Catalyst for Support Transformation

Guest: Tom Sweeny, Service XRG
CEO and Founder

5 Tips to Modernize Your Customer Support

Guests: Ron Runyon, VP Support Services, F5 Networks
Tom Sweeny, CEO of ServiceXRG
Francoise Tourniaire, FTWorks

The Future of Customer Support

Guests: David Kay, CEO, DB Kay & Associates
Jennifer MacIntosh, VP Customer Experience, Coveo

Using Advanced AI Tools in Customer Support

Guest: Lily Ryzebol, IBM
Offering Mgr. for Watson in Support

Developing Your Own AI Tools for Customer Support

Guests: Dave Jobling and Birgit Hansen
Global Support Programs at Tableau Software

Using AI to Enhance Customer Support

Guest: Dan Nowitz, PTC
Application Owner of Digital Prototyping for Customer Success Operations