When Providing Customer Service, Collaboration is Key
How Collaboration Tech Can Improve Your Customer Support. |
When the whole company worked from one office or building, it was easy to reach out or walk the halls to find the right person with the knowledge you were in search of. Today, with multiple and defined departments, often in different locations or telecommuting, the old ways of doing business just don’t cut it. Conditions make searching that database of knowledge residing in the work team hard if not impossible.
Collaboration becomes essential if a company wants to keep its customers assisted and satisfied. Having spent all that time and energy on staff, it makes sense to utilize that resource as efficiently as possible. TeamSupport CEO Robert Johnson addresses the importance of collaboration in customer service in his recent post on WIRED: How Collaboration Tech Can Improve Your Customer Support.
TeamSupport.com is an award winning online support software system that provides teams with the tools necessary to provide a collaborative and complete customer service experience.